Uh, would you like to settle
with me now, Sir Pitt?
if you don't mind, Doctor.
I only pays on results.
How do I look?
A good deal stronger.
They will be disappointed.
Lady Southdown hovers
at the door night and noon.
"Mm-mm, I always travel
with my medicine chest.
"Can I not be of any assistance...
with my special tonics?"
That's a dose I doubt I'd live through.
It's Captain Rawdon
that needs you dead.
Lady Southdown and Mr. Pitt Crawley
want you well enough to change your will.
Rebecca Sharp,
I've made up my mind.
You must come with me
to London.
I insist upon it,
and so does Byron.
And we won't be gainsaid,
will we?
But what could I say
to dear Sir Pitt,
after all his kindness?
Oh, leave him to me.
When a man has two sons
and a rich spinster sister,
he seldom gainsays her,
my dear.
Must you go, Rawdon?
Uh, l-I thought you might stay
for some shooting.
Oh, no. I... I thought it best
to see them safely back home...
to, uh, Mayfair.
Clear the way, there!
There she goes,
the best little governess
the girls ever had.
Mm, mm.
Suppose I better write to
Miss Pinkerton for a replacement.
Let me, Sir Pitt.
Mm, Miss Pinkerton is an old friend,
and I should so like to be useful.