and will go to the deuce
to be seen with a lord.
Captain Osborne's vanity
must make him a tempting victim.
I say, Aunt. Why don't we do
Miss Sharp a favor...
and invite them over?
If you think it would be amusing.
I am glad to see
Miss Crawley knows your worth.
As long as George knows yours.
Of course he does.
- Shall I play for you?
- Oh, thank you, my dear.
Rawdon, will you explain
the rules of piquet to Miss Sedley?
- I've quite forgotten.
- Be careful, Amelia.
Captain Crawley
knows his cards.
I'm warned.
Oh, there are
no fortunes in piquet.
All the same, be kind to her.
She is my only friend.
Not your only friend,
Miss Sharp.
Rawdon, you explain.
Now, come along.
- You may discard up to five.
- Oh, do go away.
So, Miss Sharp.
- How do you like your new place?
- My place?
How kind of you to remind me.
It's quite tolerable, thank you.
And they treat me very well.
But then,
this is a gentleman's family...
and quite a change
from tradespeople.
You seemed to like tradespeople
well enough last year.
Joseph Sedley, you mean?
It's true.
If he'd asked me,
I would not have said no.
How very obliging of you.
I know what you're thinking.
What an honor to have had you
for a brother-in-law.