Captain George Osborne,
son ofJohn Osborne, Esquire,
son of...
what was your grandfather?
Never mind.
You cannot help your pedigree.
Miss Sharp.
Come and take over from Rawdon.
He's worse than useless.
Ah, 'tis true.
This is not my game.
Osborne, would you care to come
and play something a little more grown up?
Do thank
Miss Crawley for us!
Crawley. Miss Sharp.
Are you cross with me?
Cross? I could kiss you.
To see George Osborne fleeced
makes the perfect end to the perfect day.
Oh, dear!
I was rather hoping
the evening wasn't over yet.
I was wondering...
if you might like to
show me your room.
Of course.
I'll run and ask
Miss Crawley's permission.
Don't joke.
Really, Captain.
You cannot imagine I would do anything
to incur your aunt's displeasure.
I thought you and I
had an understanding.
Well, I understand this.