Fifteen, at the back.
Going once. Going twice...
Leave it.
It doesn't matter.
Sold for 15 guineas
to the Marquess of Steyne.
Why would Lord Steyne
bother with a little auction like this?
He collects my father's works.
A true collector will go anywhere
to get what he wants.
An amboyna and rosewood
quartetto table.
- Captain Dobbin.
- Miss Sharp.
I beg your pardon,
Mrs. Crawley. Crawley.
Are you taking up
the piano, Captain?
I have a... friend who will
get some use of it, I think.
Any more?
- Indeed she will.
- Good day.
Going... Sold.
I saw Miss Sharp
at the auction this morning.
How is George?
George is well, I think. But busy.
Too busy to come here.
I'll fetch some tea.
When you next see him,
will you give him this?
I painted it.
It's not wrong, is it, to remind him
of the one who loves him most?
Of course not.
Oh, look what he's done!
Oh, isn't he wonderful?
I can't believe it!
Oh, thank God!
Thank God!
Mama! It's all right!