Vanity Fair

Mrs. Crawley.! Discretion
being the better part of valor,

- I'm afraid it is time to quit Brussels.
- Are we really losing, Lord Darlington?

They say the enemy
has broken through the lines.

Which brings me to my point.
Did you sell Lady Bareacres your horse?

Doesn't anyone love me for myself alone?
You may buy it if you give me
a seat in your carriage.

- Done.
- Quickly! We must get it.

- Why must she come with us?
- First, because I like her.

Second, she's pregnant.
Third, it's the condition
upon which she gave us the horse.

Mrs. Crawley, hurry!
We must leave now!

Now! Please!
Please.! Help me.!
Has anyone seen George Osborne?

One moment.
George Osborne of the Ninth.!

Amelia! What are you doing?
You shouldn't be out here!
Come along.

Mrs. Crawley.!
Come now, if you're coming.!

Lord Darlington, is there
room for Mrs. Osborne?

Only if you give up your place.
Don't worry about me. I'll wait
here for George, whatever comes.

We'll meet again in London.
Well, I do hope so.
Good luck to you.

Drive! Drive!
There must be news of my George!
Amelia, you must
take hold of yourself!
