I'm sorry to be the bearer
of sad tidings, Colonel.
You know how I esteemed your aunt.
There was no suffering.
Mr. Pitt and LadyJane looked
after her tenderly until the end.
I'll bet they did.
Right. Let me know if there's
anything more I can do for you.
She cut me out.
Pitt has swept the pool.
Oh, Becky,
it's you and Rawdy
I feel sorry for.
It'll come right. You'll see.
I'm a governess, and you're a gambler.
We were never going to shoot into society.
It'll take time.
What will we eat in the meantime?
Oh, my dear, let me manage that.
We're Crawleys,
and Crawleys have credit.
You'll be surprised to see how well
we can live on practically nothing a year.
Excuse me, ma'am. Master Rawdy
has something to show you.
What is it, Nurse?
Well, if those aren't
the stoutest steps...
I've ever seen a young man take.
Why, you'll be marching
to the colors in no time, my boy.
- Come!
- Yes!
Ya-ha! Rawdy!