h-h-has not...
Miss Crawley gave me the most
wonderful husband in the world.
How could I be angry with her?
I'm glad her fortune will restore
the glory of this place and this family,
of which I'm proud to be a member.
It is we Crawleys, madam,
who are the gainers by your marriage.
- Thank you.
- Mm.
Bye, Rawdy!
Bye, Auntie Becky.!
Bye, Uncle Rawdon.! Bye.!
I like AuntJane.
Don't you, Papa?
I do. Pitt's lucky there.
She's kind and good.
I could be good on 5,000 a year.
Oh, do you not care for her, then?
What does that matter?
Don't you see what this means?
We're back in the family.
At long last we've begun.
Careful of that table now.
That's valuable, that is.
Excuse me!
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
I told you I'd be back, lady.
Here, look, you'd better wrap up
that cooker glass.
No! How dare you try and bring out
my things on the street!
Here, let me have that!
I'll call the constable!
You can call the King for all I care!
Give it back to me!
I'm takin' it!
You're not having this!
Give it to me!
I wonder if I might be of some help.
A pleasure doing business.
Just go.
We meet at last.