But Rawdy has
become a great man.
I love him and I wish him well,
but my place is no longer with him.
Tell me, how is Major Dobbin?
I passed him as I came here,
looking very fierce.
We have fallen out.
Over me?
Over you, yes,
but over other things as well.
Amelia Osborne, you're a damn fool.
He is your dearest friend.
It matters not what he thinks of me.
You should go and fetch him.
I cannot, Rebecca.
You don't know what lies between us.
I do.
Ever since I saw him buy that piano,
I've known how it stood between you.
That was George.
It was Dobbin.
- I saw him with my own eyes.
- George loved me.
George Osborne loved
no one but himself.
He'd have jilted you but for Dobbin
and left you if he'd lived.
Stop! Silence.
Dobbin was right.
Wherever you go, you trail wickedness
and heartache in your wake.
I came prepared for this.
George gave this to me at
the Duchess of Richmond's Ball.
Whatever it is, I will not read it.
"My darling, Becky, won't you save me
from a life of dreary toil?
Fly with me.
We will dance our way
across Europe. Your George. '"
That is the man you have
made your life a shrine to.
I've been a fool.
We have all been fools.
But you may still
remedy your folly. Go.!