What do you want to live here for?
Do you have to move out?
Ah, and there's your college?
I suppose it is near.
Look, I'm worried.
Does it have to be here?
The ovum, a product of
almost pure chance...
...by means of cellular growth,
divergence and migration...
...creates an organism.
This person experienced trauma
to the frontal lobe section.
This area is responsible f or
personality and memory.
From this we can conclude the following:
Human character is not a constant...
The brain and spinal cord f orm
the central nervous system.
Nerve cells are concentrated
in this area.
I wonder, then...
where the soul lies...
Beneath this, however...
...there is the vast realm
of the unconscious.
It is here that our suppressed desires...
...can cause deep mental conflict
as they strive to realize themselves.