How many times did this heart beat?
Seventy times a minute is 4200
times an hour.
So in a day? Well, 24 times that.
Then times 365 f or a year.
How many times if you live to 80?
And yet my TV broke after 6 years.
Was anything wrong with this heart?
There's something wrong in the lungs.
See, I can't get my hand in very far.
There are 2 or 3 white lumps in the liver.
And look at the colon.
This person had a colostomy.
Cancer of the colon can easily move
to the liver.
Why did this person die?
Mr. Takagi?
I don't know.
We can't tell by the organs alone.
We'll find out later.
I wonder what she was like.
Shame to die so young.