Walking Tall

How you doing?
- When did the mill close?
- Three years ago this August.

If you're looking for work,
you may want to try Aberdeen.

That's about the closest mill work
you'll find.

- Too bad.
- It's just simple economics.

You know, we have a really nice casino,
the Wild Cherry.

Want to make some money,
maybe you ought to go on down...

and try your luck at the blackjack tables.
No, I don't think so. Thanks.
You're Chris Vaughn?
Well, hell. I know all about you, Chris.
I know your folks. I'm Sheriff Stan Watkins.
- How you doing?
- Ralston, get out of the car!

You're looking at a real soldier here.
Pay some respects.

- Welcome home, soldier.
- Thanks.

Well, hell, Chris.
- I'll give you a ride up to your folks'.
- No, I'm fine. Thank you.

- I insist.
- I'll walk.

- It's my pleasure.
- It's okay.

I won't take no for an answer. Get in the car.
- Did I scare you with that one?
- Little bit.

I scared him.
You were gone a while, huh?
Eight years. Harstad was sheriff back then.
Aaron Harstad, yeah.
Sad story.
About five months back,
he fell asleep at the wheel and hit a tree.

Car folded up like an accordion.
He was a good man.
A good man and a good sheriff.
