I'll see you around, Chris.
I know, it was a good time, wasn't it?
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
I got to call you back.
Hey, Chris.
It's good to see you up and about.
You're looking spiffy.
I'm here to press charges.
This isn't about that incident
at the casino a while back?
Yeah. It is.
Because that matter's closed.
You're lucky you weren't brought in
on charges. I mean...
Did you even look into it?
They did an internal investigation.
That's good enough for me.
An internal investigation?
I know you're familiar
with the term no-fly zone.
Because that's what the casino is.
Since the mill closed down...
that casino is the main source
of revenue in this town.
So case closed, basically.
We'll see you.
- I'm not going to let this stand.
- Excuse me?
- What did you say to me?
- I said I'm not going to let this stand.
You're lucky to be alive right now.
That's all you need to be concentrating on.
This is my town. Okay?
I'm the sheriff here.
I'll tell you what will stand.
Not the other way around.
Now please get out of my building.