Sir, get your taillights fixed.
It's your last warning.
What's wrong with my taillights?
They're broken.
- Morning, Sheriff.
- Morning, Deputy.
Come on, man. You know I hate cops.
You've been sheriff for about two minutes,
and I'm already starting to hate you.
- I'm a convicted felon.
- I've got pull around here.
Now you're a crooked cop doing favors
for friends. That's how it starts.
Next thing you know you'll be taking bribes,
setting up roadblocks...
- frisking dudes' crotches.
- Are you done?
- Ray, I need your help.
- Don't do that.
I need you to take me to drug school.
I get to wear a uniform?
The stuff in this town
is five-star, factory pure.
- So let's go get the factory.
- Easier said than done.
We know Hamilton's boys
are selling that shit down at the casino.
Yeah, but 99% of the time they're clean.
So we got to play follow-the-money,
starting with the tweakers.
That'll give us the suppliers.
These guys are real edgy,
so delicacy is the key.
Then we put the squeeze on them...
till they spit out the location
of the next buy.
- Where'd you learn that, Ray?
- Cops.
That's a good show.