- Eighties, actually.
- Uh, 85.
- Eighty-five.
- Eighty-five? Unbelievable.
Mr. President,
you simply must say yes.
Well, folks, uh, even though l'm not
in the Oval Office any longer...
l do have plans.
Sally, please.
We're in the middle of something here.
l-- l was just... getting my coat.
- l'll come back.
- Uh, hold on a second. Sally, is it?
- Yes.
- Sally,you seem like an engaged citizen.
Uh, what would you think
about my being mayor?
Mayor? Really?
lt was my idea!
Um, l think you should do it.
And then maybe you could do something
about that landing situation.
- The landing situation?
- Uh, yeah.
l'm a veterinarian...
and l had a critically ill donkey
in my helicopter this morning...
and l almost lost her because...
the president just had to land first.
Oh, l'm terribly sorry.
That must have been a procedural thing.
- Standard security protocol.
- Standard security.
Maybe if you were mayor,
you could do something about that.
Hmm. Absolutely.
Things like that shouldn't happen.
l appreciate your opinion.
- lt's really, really nice
to meet you, Mr. President.
- Nice to meet you too, Sally.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Well, Mr. President?
- l'm sorry, gentlemen.
- Hold on a second there, Bullard. Maybe--
Excuse me, Mr. President. l suggest
that we give them an answer tomorrow.
- Gentlemen, he'll sleep on it.
- Yes, l-l'll sleep on it.
So we'll hear from you
in the morning, sir?
You have my word.
You have the Eagle's word.
Thank you, Mr. President!
By God, that's just the way
he sounds on TV!
Hey! Sorry.
Connelly's septic tank broke again.