Welcome to Mooseport

- What just happened?
- You're runnin' against the president.

And your girlfriend's datin' him.

l repeat-- mm-hmm!
[ Grace ] No, Larry,
the president has no comment.

No. No comment. Thank you.
That's all the networks,
60 Minutes and Larry King.

The handyman's girlfriend?
His girlfriend? Why didn't you tell me?

- l'm gonna look like an idiot.
- l tried to tell you, Mr. President. Remember?

Why didn't you try harder?
What am l supposed to do now, apologize?

- Back down?
- You want to call Bert Langdon?

For what? l don't need
a campaign manager for this.

- [ Rings ]
- Hello? One second. Mr. President.

Bert Langdon on line one.
Bert, what a coincidence.
What's shakin'?

That's what l was gonna ask you,

lt's deader than Nixon down here.
l'd be happy to roll up my sleeves
and come up there if you want.

Bert, l'm running against my plumber.
ls there something l don't know?

You watching Fox News?
The results are quite interesting.
The poll, of course, is preliminary...
but it does show Harrison
with surprising strength.

[ Man ] There's an eight percent margin
of error, and it's still early...

but it looks to be very close.
[ Woman ] Seems to me the president
has got himself in a bit of a horse race.

Eagle, you with me?
[ Man On TV]
Don't you mean moose race?

Eagle.! Hey.! Oh-ho.!
- There she is! Hey, come on. Let's go.
- That's her right there.

-[ Woman ] Sally.!
- Miss Mannis! Are you Dr. Sally Mannis?

- Yeah.
-Just a couple of questions
about Handy Harrison.

- Hey! Watch it.
- ls it true you've been seeing
Mr. Harrison for six years?

- Now you're dating the president.
- Oh, no.

l'm not dating the president.
lt's one date.

l'm not even sure
you'd call it a date.

You wouldn't call it a date?
What would you call it exactly?

-Just a couple more questions!
- When did he ask you out?

- Have you and the president had sex yet?
- For God's sakes!

[ Reporters All Shouting ]
Think about it, Handy.
