Welcome to Mooseport

Look at us, Handy.
Motels are full. Stores are packed.

Do you realize that this is Mooseport's
first traffic jam since-- ever!

We gotta have a second debate.
How 'bout it?

- No!
- Mr. President! Hey-yo!

My nose is making a whistling noise.
[ People Chattering ]
[ Applause, Cheering ]
- [ Man ] Hey, Handy.!
- [ Microphone Feedback ]

- [ All Groaning ]
- Sorry.

My fellow Americans...
welcome to the first of two
televised mayoral debates.

ln the grand old
Mooseport tradition...

a game of rock-paper-scissors will
determine who will answer questions first.

- [ Woman ] Show 'em how it's done.
- Handy.

Mr. President.
You know the rules.
Rock, paper, scissors.
Okay? On the count of three.
[ Man ]
Go get 'im, Eagle.!

One, two, three.
- [ Gasping, Whooping ]
- Rock-rock. Tie. Go again.

[ Crowd Murmuring ]
- Paper.!
- l'd do scissors.!

- Back to rock.!
- Come on, focus.!

[ Man Shouts ]
Good luck, Mr. President.!

- [ Man ] Come on, Handy.!
- One, two, three.

- Paper-paper. Tie. Go again.
- [ Audience Groaning ]

[ Laughing, Shouting ]
- Rock!
-[ Woman ] Paper.!

[ Woman ]
Rock.! Rock.! Rock.!

[ Mutters ]
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

[ Audience Continues Shouting ]
One, two, three!
- [ Yells ]
- Oh, come on!

Rock breaks scissors!
The president wins!

[ Sighs ] l am now prepared to
entertain questions from the floor.

- [ Man ] l got one.
- Clay?

Uh, some of them
environment people...
