Welcome to Mooseport

Hey. Hi, everybody.
- [ Audience Responding ] Hi, Handy.
- l just wanna say one thing.

l'm a little embarrassed...
about the way
l've been running my campaign.

- [ Audience Murmuring ]
- Ohh!

An election,
it shouldn't be about personalities.

You know? Or-- Or golf.
- Or who we're dating.
- [ All Murmuring ]

Sally, if you're watching this...
l was wrong to bring
our relationship into this.

l'm sorry.
l guess l did it again. l just brought
our relationship into it again.

- [ Audience Laughing ]
- So l'm sorry for that...

l guess what l want to say,
folks, is...

l think an election should be
about the town, about what we need...

and how we can work together
to get things done.

The president can do
great things for us.

- Son of a--
- Bitch.

Having him as a mayor, that's an
opportunity that we can't pass up, folks.

[ Man ]
Yeah. Right.!

Tomorrow morning
l'm going to the polls...

and l'm casting my vote
for the president...

Monroe Cole...
for the mayor of Mooseport.
Son of a bitch!
[ Applause Subsides ]
Ladies and gentlemen...
what you've just seen...
is a selfless act.
[ Cheering, Shouting ]
Handy Harrison...
is... Mooseport.
He-- He is Mooseport.
He knows its problems,
he knows its pulse...

he knows its plumbing...
as only a person
who lives here can.

So tomorrow morning...
