Gas, gasoline prices are going up
like crazy. I got a guy...
bringing in... He owns
a gas station down in Brooklyn.
What we do is
mix a little water with the gasoline.
They're gonna come in thinking they're
gonna get a lecture prepared by me...
and instead I'm going to step back
and turn over the hour to you...
and just say to them,
"Experience this reality."
Hey, Carol!
Not enough
to mess up the actual cars...
but just enough to make it worthwhile,
you know what I mean?
No, you get a layover on... Listen.
You get a little layover on the money.
What are we, the consultants?
The fucking thing adds up. We go in.
We set up the guy.
Why is this funny to you?
It's remarkable how one book
and one course...
can serve to bring out
all kinds of people...
and connect and erase
artificial boundary lines.
- People are plagued by sexual-
- Is that Mike Tyson back there?
Hey, Carol! I don't believe this shit.
Excuse me. Mike Tyson.
I'm Hassan Al-Ibrahim Ben Rabinowitz.
I'm a professor of African studies...
at the university here. And I would
love it if you would come to my class...
to talk to my students because I think
they could benefit greatly from you.
Listen, brother, I'm not who you
believe I'm to be. I'm Buck, nigger.
I'm Buck from Minnesota.
You don't know me.
Take the finance pages. There were
two stocks with the same symbol.
One was on NASDAQ. One was
on the American Stock Exchange.
One was worth 50ยข a stock
and the other was worth $75 a stock.
- You're not Mike Tyson?
- No, nigger. I'm Buck.
- I thought you were Mike Tyson.
- I'm Buck. I don't give a fuck!
- Fucking Christ! Hold on a second.
- It's perfectly legal. If you got the...
Shit. I'm sorry, Ford.