and the husband actually facilitates
the whole thing. Really interesting.
How is that interesting?
It leads to some intriguing questions.
It leads to...
the fundamental existential question...
we all have to face
before we can know who we are.
Namely, what am I capable of doing?
Are you speaking sexually?
Sexually and every other respect.
Let's stick with sexually for now.
You're saying, for me to discover...
who I am, I need to find out whether
I can fuck another man for $1 million?
That's not what I'm saying.
Where did you come up with that?
That's the last thing on my mind.
Yeah, the last. The absolute last.
That's a figure of speech.
It certainly wasn't a specific proposal.
- Indecent or otherwise.
- Absolutely.
Conscious or unconscious.
- That's right.
- Why did you bring it up?
Bring what up?
The movie. Stop toying with me.
- I'm not toying with you.
- Yeah, you are.
Now that you mention it.
Now that I mention it?
Now that you mention it...
I did happen to have, coincidentally...
a conversation totally unrelated
to this particular subject...
with Count Tommaso Lupo.
Count Tommaso Lupo?
The Italian media mogul. Yes.
Yes, I know who he is. So?
What do you mean, so?
So where is this going?
What's it got to do with us?
I've been working for him recently.
Odd jobs. He's a collector.
Of what, women?
Antique cars, rare manuscripts,
first editions, you'd be surprised.
He's one of the most legitimate men
in the Western Hemisphere.
- Coincidentally?
- You said "coincidentally"-
Right. So the Count saw me
kissing you goodbye on the steps...
of the Metropolitan Museum after
coming out of the Caravaggio exhibit.
What's so coincidental about that?
Because he'd seen you before
in the Air France Concorde lounge...