- I hadn't thought that far ahead.
- Take a shot, stretch your mind.
Well, if you force me to think about it...
I'd probably say since you're
in pretty good shape financially...
and I'm just getting started,
you might want to front it to me.
That's not the point. Anybody can get
money. I could with my eyes closed.
That's not what I'm about here.
I'm a mentor. I'm not a hustler.
I'm a conduit. I'm a circuit.
Listen, listen to me very carefully.
My whole mission
on this planet right now...
in relation to you,
is to introduce you to yourself.
You know that.
You're a deeply sexual human being.
You have major erotic power.
The easiest thing,
and the most selfish...
would be to convince you
to limit yourself to one person.
That'd suffocate you and be ignoble
of me. A hustler would do that...
I refuse to hustle. I want to lead you
down the path of Ovid and Sappho.
D.H. Lawrence.
Edna St. Vincent Millay.
To say nothing of
the whole hip-hop revolution.
It's the path of the Bible. "Seek,
and ye shall find." "Know thyself."
You are so ready right now
to open yourself...
to discover your capacity
for multiple men.
Multiple in the sense of at least a few,
maybe not at the same time...
but sequentially.
I'm getting ahead of myself here,
and you might not want to hear this...
since you're
a year away from being there...
but at some point, you're gonna
be ready to explore women...
and enjoy them.
They already desire you all the time.
You're just oblivious to it.
But that's down the road.
Let's stick to the present.
- All I ask is that you meet the Count.
- Set it up.
It's what you want, isn't it?
I thought
you wanted to make love to me.
I did. I do.
Who's stopping you?