If you want to modify the plant,
i can help you.
We could import socks
from BRAZIL and sell them here.
Its a good product. I have
some samples you can show your customers.
Go, go, go! NO!!!!
You always ruin it for us!
Ram that flag up your ass, you cuntfaced hooker!
- Iguacu-falls were nice, werent they?
- Yes, very nice.
I've lived in BRAZIL for 20 years,
but never been there.
Not that i live very close,
but its not a long drive.
I will soon
bring my family there.
- Yes it is beautiful there.
- Yes, it is.
- Good evening.
- Oh, good evening.
Two of these, please.
- Do you like them, Marta?
- Yes.
I want to go on vacation,
but i cant.
There`s so much to do at the plant.
Do you like those?
- Yes .
- Two more .
But i cant complain.
Its good just to have a job.
- Definetely.
- One more of those.
Of course, its important to have work.
My father, old Koller, always used to say...