You better do something.
Excuse me, honey. l'll be right back.
Who wants to start the bidding?
$4. Do I hear $5?
$1,000. Does anyone wish to go higher?
Yeah, l got $2,000 right here.
Who said that?
$5,000 to the dirty geezer in the back.
I'm sure no one will wish
to go higher than that...
so we can just be done with it now.
$20,000! Going once, going twice--
$50,000. Cash!
to the big black guy right there.
Step right up and claim your prize.
l don't want
to go on a date with Buff Daddy.
Come here, baby.
Dude, my feet are killing me.
And on top of that, that G-string
gave me diaper rash.
-How long we got to do this, man?
-Just a couple more days.
l don't have a couple of more days.
Do you know who my wife is?
Here, listen to this message.
She's losing her mind.
...with another woman
doing what I think you're doing!
You don't want to hear the rest.
By the end of the weekend,
we'll be heroes and all will be forgiven.
All right.