White Chicks

Oh, my God. What happened to the sun?
Easy, white chocolate.
l wouldn't want you to melt.
Yeah. Hasta la vista, Schwarzenegro. Bye.
Hey, kids! You guys want to make $5?
Yeah! Sure!
Okay, here's what l want you to do.
Yeah, l'll take the usual.
And put it on my tab.

Hey, Latrell Spencer!
Could we have your autograph?

-Sure, little buddy.
-Thanks. You're the greatest.

Hey, that's what l do, baby.

-Hey, stay in school.
-Okay, we will!

-Wow! You must be pretty good.
-l'm all right.

Sometimes l feel l should be paying them
to take my autograph.

l'm sorry, l didn't even get your name.
Latrell. Latrell Spencer. And you are?
-Denise Porter.
-Denise. Denise Porter.

You know, you look so familiar.
l feel like l've seen you somewhere.

No. l play pro ball.
Maybe you've seen one of my games.

No. But l mean if l did, l'm sure
l would've definitely remembered you.

Okay, well. Look, Denise...
l don't mean to be too forward or anything...
but l'm here in town,
checking out some real estate, and--

Oh, whereabouts?
-You know, up around over there.
-ln Montauk?

-More like around--
-East Hampton.

Just all over the place. lt's one big blur.
One big, business blur.
l kind of want to
get away from all that business and...

hang out with somebody
and have a real conversation.

So, l was wondering if you're not too busy...
