Excuse me. Your card has been declined
for insufficient funds.
The rep's on the line.
Yes, this is Mrs. Copeland.
$4,000 dress?
And where did l buy this dress?
The Hamptons!
Yes, l remember.
Thank you.
lt is on.
l don't see
why l got to go out with Mandingo.
'Cause if you don't, you'll blow our cover.
What you gonna be doing?
Me? l'm going to follow up on a lead.
You're going on a date.
She's a reporter.
Who else knows more
about the Hamptons people than her?
All right, so l like the girl. You're the one
always telling me to settle down.
And you should.
But that don't mean
l got to go with Buffy the White Girl Slayer.
All right. Look. Just go to dinner. Okay?
l'm only gonna be a couple of hours
and l'll meet you back at the club.
-You promise?
-l promise?
l'm serious, dude. Promise.
l do. l'm serious. All right.
And if you need to use protection...
tell Latrell there's an extra shower curtain
in the bathroom.
Hop in.
Take your time. Watch those marshmallows.
Ease on in there, now.
l won't bite unless you ask me to.
You are so beautiful.