
You're number one.
But for most tennis players,
that's all it ever is... a dream.

The reality is another story...
my story.

You see that good-looking fella?
No, not the kid in white.
The other, tired, good-looking fella.

Yeah. Him.
Well, that's me.

British Davis Cup a long time ago.
Two singles titles even longer ago.
Presently ranked 119th in the world.
Sport is cruel.
Now, I know it doesn't
sound too bad.

Four million tennis players in the world,
and I'm 119th.

But what that really means is this...
118 guys out there are faster,
stronger, better and younger.
And it gets you thinking.
You'll be 32 in...
The prime of my life.

How long can Peter Colt keep playing
this game? Time to retire gracefully.

Stop it. Stop it. Just serve.
These young guys... where do they
get the energy, the focus?

No fear. You see,
the one thing you can't have is fear.

And for the first time in my life,
I'm afraid.

Not oflosing.
I'm not even afraid of the kid.

I'm afraid of what happens
if that ball keeps going by me.

What happens then?
I hope you don't mind, but I took
the liberty of having it engraved.

- Wow.
- Exactly.

Frankly, my biggest
problem is parking. Right.

Mm, not for you, of course.
No. Your own space.

Nameplate again.
Oh, good.

Hello, Ian. Is this the young man
you were telling us about?

Mm-hmm. Peter Colt,
the one and only.

Once ranked
15th in the world, I hear.

Uh, 11 th, actually,
for the better part of'96.

Yes. Peter's got himself
a wild card at Wimbledon.

- Then we're hoping he'll be hanging his racket here at the club.
- Well, we'll see.

We shall look forward to giving you a peek
at our ground strokes. Won't we, ladies?
