And it keeps her relaxed. Um,
if you were just another easy...
You know. Well, that would be one
thing. But you're not, are you?
As a matter of fact, I was
incredibly easy. No, no.
This time, it's different.
She's... falling for you.
- Oh, I see.
- Which is a total disaster.
But why?
She's hardly lost a set. I...
Look, her footwork is off.
Her serve is a mess.
She's gotta get her head
back in the game.
She's gotta remember
what it is that she wants.
And what do you think that is?
What we've been working towards
all these years,
what she's always wanted
more than anything.
- I still want it.
- Oh. Hi.
I want to win Wimbledon.
I'm sorry.
That's all right, sweetheart.
Well, we'd better get going.
We got a lot of work to do.
- You're gonna go?
- Yeah. He's right.
I'm sorry.
Wait a second.
Lizzie, this is ridiculous.
You're a grown woman, and you should be
making your own decisions. This is my decision.
We can be together
after the tournament.
After the tournament?
What does that mean?
You can't just switch me on and off
like a bloody lightbulb.
I'll call you at the hotel.
She won't be at the hotel.
I'm sorry, kid, but...
If you're together,
she can't play.
- Tom.! Tom.! Tom.!
Well, this may be an all-British affair,
but Tom Cavendish is clearly in control
of the crowd and the match today.
He's up a break in the first set, and Peter Colt...
with the expectations of an entire nation upon him...
seems to be withering
under the pressure.
Ladies and gentlemen,
quiet please.