What do you think Tad Hamilton
is doing right now?
I'll bet he's in church.
Watch this.
Yeah! Whoo!
- Told you that was him, right?
- Yeah.
Tad Hamilton.
You don't make it easy on us, Tad.
What do you mean?
This is the shot the paparazzi got.
Congratulations. You're actually
drinking, driving, smoking,
leering and groping at the same time.
Which, on the one hand, is just about
the coolest thing "ve ever seen.
But, on the other hand, it can be argued
this might be bad for the image.
You play characters who have heart.
This is a person
who will have a heart attack.
I can't believe you guys are blaming
my unemployment on this photograph.
You are not unemployed.
Dockworkers are unemployed.
You are simply between
million-dollar paydays.
As are we, since we both get
a percentage of your payday.
But this isn't about us.
Whatever happened to that part in the
Jimmy lng movie? I´m perfect for that.
Well, he's taking a breath.
- He's what?
- He's taking a breath.
He's pausing before deciding.
He's hemming and hawing
and taking a breath.
And this is only going
to make him breathe more.
- What do we do?
- Asphyxiate the son of a bitch.
- We generate a little positive PR.
- What are you, an interpreter?
I'm saying we just need
to do something, Tad,
to remind Jimmy lng and America
that you are the boy next door.
I am the boy next door,
if you happen to live
in a very dysfunctional neighborhood.