- Can I have these?
- No.
Do you want to think about it?
Gee, what...
Tell me why you're making me
have dinner with an Okie.
Because she's wholesome
as the amber waves of grain.
And she's not an Okie.
She's from West Virginia.
So sorry.
You never wear them.
Can I just have them?
- So what's her name anyway?
- Rosalee Futch.
Sounds insanely hot.
lt's very nice to meet you, Tad.
lt's so nice to meet you, Tad.
lt's great to meet you.
Please, just follow the rules.
"Smile for the cameras.
No brown liquor or cigarettes."
- Fine.
- Very good.
What about Jimmy lng?
Have we heard anything?
No. Still breathing.
I passed Ashton Kutcher in my car
and he seemed happy.
He's happy for other reasons. I´m sorry.
We have not heard from Jimmy lng.
Hey, guys, how's this in the shoulders?
Because I got some yoga stuff.
Your films will stand the test of time.
Your films will stand the test of time.
Hi. I´m Tad.
Your standing films will time
and test themselves.
Thank you. You're pretty.
lt's Roseanne, right?
I´m sorry, what is it?