The limo door swung open.
My foot hit the ground
and I turned to take
one last look at Tad.
At those eyes, at that smile.
And then, regretfully,
I headed back for the hotel.
- Please tell me we're done now.
- We're done.
Wow. I cannot remember a time
before you started telling that story.
Peter, I was asked to provide
a detailed description of the evening.
And you did.
Actually, Rosie, you did a great job.
I felt like I was there.
Sort of against my will, but I did.
OK, guys, with your permission,
I think we should all now
return to our normal lives.
Rosie, I kind of had something
that I wanted to ask you.
lt's something that
I think you're going to like.
I hope you're going to like.
Something I really hope
you're going to like.
lt's been a long time coming,
so it might be kind of a surprise.
Or not, or maybe not. I don't know.
I'm like...
Look, OK,
what I´m trying to say is that