Win a Date with Tad Hamilton!

- This means nothing.
- You are unbelievable.

What? Rosie, people like this
buy houses all the time.

- lt's called a tax shelter.
- Peter.

I can guarantee you
that by the end of today

Tad's farm and his house
and his fricking wheat
will be right back on the market.

Why? What are you going to do?
Nothing. You know,
just be a good neighbor.

- Tad, this place is unbelievable.
- Thanks, little lady.

This barn sits on what they call
"the south 40."

Yeah. I´m not sure exactly
how many acres that is, but

I'm going to guess that's a lot.
I'm going to guess 40.
Oh, yeah. Could be.
Tad, being a new farm owner and all,
I know you'll probably get some people
to run this place for you, but...

hell, I'd be happy to show you
a couple of everyday farm chores.

Really? Pete, that would be great.
Thank you.

Tad, that's not a problem.
What you're going to do here
is grab on to one of the...

essentially one of the nipples,
and just pull it firmly but gently
towards the pail.

You're going to freak out a...
Mmm, look at all that creamy milk.
That a girl, Arleen. That a girl.

- You are making old Tad thirsty.
- Where'd you learn to do that?

Pete, you remember my remake
of The Grapes of Wrath?

OK, so, the trick is
to take a full swing

so as to split the log in one swift...
