- Look at that.
- Holy...
Fort Cooper. Can you believe it?
God, I remember it being taller.
There it is.
Race you to the top!
- Dano, come on up!
- Come on, Dan.
You guys are hammered!
I'm not climbing up a 20-year-old rope.
- That's crazy.
- Tommy, catch.
This whole thing seems
a little insane for us to be doing,
climbing with the possibility of...
- You all right, Dano?
- Come on, Dano, grab it.
- Give me the rope.
- Come on, Dan!
Use your tippy-toes. There you go.
Cobweb. Look out.
- Oh, my God.
- How small is that door?
Kind of seems about
the same, actually.
I hope I don't fall through
the floor of this thing.
Hey! What's up, B.A. Baracus?
Mr. T. How awesome is that?
You guys. Oh, my gosh.
- Look at this.
- Hey, that's our old flag.
- D.B. Cooper's treasure chest.
- Oh, man, look at that thing.
- You remember this?
- Of course, yeah.
Cooper parachuted out of a plane
up north with a bunch of stolen cash.
We were obsessed with that.
- Nationwide police hunt and...
- Right.
- Never found.
- Yeah, we were gonna sneak away,
go up the river, all Huck Finn,
Apocalypse Now style.
Get the loot.
I bet you we spent half our childhood
planning that trip.
It's all Billy ever talked about.
- Let's open it up.
- We have to break the lock.
- Oh, I'll break it.
- 38-24-36.
- How did he know that?
- How do you possibly remember that?
Miss 1981, Julie McDonald.
38-24-36. Unforgettable.
Had a passion for cycling.
Disliked liars.
You're right.
- What the...?
- Do you believe it?
Man! Look at that.
The oath...
"We swear that these things
will remain in this box
until we find D.B. Cooper's treasure. "