- Hey, don't, don't, don't!
- What, are you gonna melt?
No, but this water is teeming
with microbes.
They don't bring losers
to the swag pot!
So this is Spirit River.
We take that to Widowmaker Bend.
And then we hike
the Devil's Staircase,
and that should lead us
to the top of Hellfire Ridge.
What's with all these satanic names?
Isn't there, like, a Fluffy Bunny Way?
No, but there's
a Shut-Up-You-Big-Baby Ridge.
Okay, just keep your eyes open
- For our first day's marker.
- What's that?
It's a rock formation called
Grandpa's Nose.
Grandpa's Nose.
Looking for Grandpa's Nose.
I think I see it! It's right there.
Good work, Dan.
Prepare to port.
I'm gonna drink some beer!
I predict you'll be puking in that river
before the end of the night, Tom.
Dry timber...
Hi there, coalminer's daughter.
You want a hand?
Or you can always try these fancy
new things called "matches. "
I saw how to do this on
the Discovery Channel.
Okay? And I'm gonna do it.
I got it covered.
Oxygen in there...
Get that right combination...
Stop, drop and roll!
Why would you do that?!
I'm with my face right next to the...
And you blow...
- Why would you do that?!
- It's warm.
It's a nice fire.
We did it.
I told you.
Do you really wanna hurt me?
Do you really wanna hear this crap?
Please. You liked this song
just as much as I did.
When we were kids,
it didn't matter what the song was.
We weren't wrapped up
in what was cool and uncool.