- Move, move, move.
- Up the tree.
- Your mom misses you.
- She's in my stuff.
Hey, that's my phone.
She ate my phone.
How long do you think
she'll keep looking for me?
Hour, hour and a half, tops.
Bears have very short attention spans.
I know a guy who trains them.
What was that?
I don't know, but it scared away
our friend. Let's get out of here.
What do you think could happen
if this thing went off right in the boat?
- You think we'd die?
- I think you throw it right now.
What if I toss it to you
and then you throw it?
Elwood, throw it!
- Cue the insane hillbillies.
- What are these freaks doing?
They're fishing.
Why aren't they using
their flashlights, Tom?
This is exactly what you hear about
when people go into the deep woods
in the middle of summertime.
Aside from getting all sorts
of diseases and things,
they just wind up being the victims
of some kind of
unexpected man-rape.
How you like me now, boy?
- I don't like this...
- Quiet. Go, go.
She ate everything.
Including my very expensive
cell phone.
All right, let's load up.
There's treasure in them hills.
Wait a minute, you're not actually
considering continuing, are you?
- Why not?
- Well, because I just...
I got carried away by a bear. And then
we spent the night sleeping in a tree.
Well, we got that out of the way.
Now we can get back on the river.
There comes a time
in every cub's life
when he needs to strike out
and make it on his own.
Fine. But I say we avoid them and we
launch around the bend there, okay?
All right, all right. Heave-ho.
They call this portage. Or portage.