- Good work, buddy.
- Thanks.
- Let's go.
- Come on, Dano.
Come on!
Go, go, go!
What did you do?
Why are there flares?
Great mother of ganja.
Come on! I see them! I got them!
- Hey, boys, come back here.
- We ain't gonna hurt you boys!
- Just wanna talk to you.
- There they are. Right there.
Damn it, you head to the left.
I'll cut them off.
- Go, go, go!
- They're shooting!
I think I got them, Dennis!
They're shooting at us! Run!
Come on, Dennis, I'm gonna get them!
Damn it! I can't see nothing
through this smoke!
- We're dead. We're dead.
- We're dead.
- We're dead!
- They're gonna... They're gonna...
We're gonna die...
You set the security flares
too close, Elwood.
The whole damn field's on fire.
Where the hell are the damn dogs?!
You guys gotta promise me that you'll
never tell my patients that I got stoned,
because if they found out I got stoned,
they'll think that I'm a stoner.
The next thing you know,
I won't have a license anymore.
They'll take away all my instruments
and my coat and my office,
and I won't have
a parking space anymore.
I just don't wanna lose all my stuff.
I lost my legs...
Oh, great. We got us
a couple of weed freaks.
The hell are they looking at?
Get up, you stoner dogs!
Get up. You gotta move
your legs. Move your legs.
I think I see them.