Get on your wheeler.
Hold on a second, guys.
You know what we should do?
We're gonna climb the tree.
We'll climb the tree, get a good look
at the land, maybe we'll see a road
or a way out of here.
Yeah, I'll go. Give me a boost.
Oh, hey, Tom, wait.
You can use these.
Please, just be careful.
Are you maintaining
a safe distance back there?
Yeah, two-second rule, I know.
- Do you see anything?
- Hey, guys!
This is really cool!
What is he doing up there?
Tommy, you see a road?
Any signs of life?
Are you kidding me?
Tom, do you see anything or not?
I think I might still be stoned.
Hello? Excuse me, miss?
- Ladies?
- My name is Flower!
You may call me Butterfly.
And if you're
from the logging company,
you'll have to speak to our lawyers.
If you look to your left,
you can totally see her downstairs.
We're not... We're not
from the logging company.
- Peace.
- Peace.
- Hey, peace.
- Peace.
- What's your name?
- Jerry. Jerry Conlaine.
And what's your forest name?
Slug. His forest name is Slug.
- I got you.
- Thanks, Tom, thanks a lot.
I'm sorry, Slug. We can't
abandon our post.
Do you understand?
Well, could we come up there,
then? Please?
Come on up.
So then we run straight into
this freezing, like, water pond.
We had to hide underwater,
but we used these reeds.
Reeds? Like pussy willow reeds?
God, it must've been so hard
to breathe.