Sonny gonna get his.
Don't worry about that.
Let's go.
- Tell me last night didn't happen.
- It happened.
Damn. Tell me Sonny didn't dis us
and Wade didn't play us for $5000.
We can make some
of that back tonight.
Emerald said we could roll.
- That's straight.
- I'm still bugging, though, D.
How the hell we lose 5 G's
in 10 minutes, man?
- What was we thinking?
- I just didn't know they were so shady.
Man, I know I didn't.
- Looking for a new man?
- What about your crew?
They don't battle if they don't win.
So what's up, EI? D? Can I be down?
Sure, man. Cool, cool.
Yo, ball up.
- D!
- Teams? Y'all not on teams, man.
I'm gonna head out, man.
I gotta do something.
- What time will you swoop me up?
- Meet you there.
I'll meet you there.
I'm always on time. 10:00, all right?
- Whatever.
- Hey, could you spot me a 20, dog?
I don't got it.
- Man, all I got is $ 10.
- That's straight. See y'all later, man.
- Let's do it.
- Y'all wanna run threes?
- Who you blowing your horn at?
- Hey.
We are ladies, okay? You are
supposed to say, "Excuse me, miss."
- It's David.
- I know.
Excuse me, miss. How are you today?
You see? That was much better.
- What are you doing here?
- I came to pick up my girl.
And you? What you doing here?
Where you going?
- Wherever my man wants to take me.
- Okay, then.
So, Beautifull,
you need us to drop you off?
I push my own wheels.
Thank you. Have fun.