"We approve purchase of a
"Sneider-Holstein locomotive..."
This is fantastic!
Not a single Serb will be left!
Look what you've done!
Mr. Mayor, friends,
allow me to present our project.
Here you see the section of
track that
will link Bosnia and Serbia for
12 miles.
Mr. Mayor... - In fact,
the Austrians first built this track
but then it was destroyed.
We now need to rebuild it
to boost tourism and trade.
With this tunnel... - Mr. Mayor!
...we will overcome a major
and be ready for Liberation Day.
Well done, bro!
We are lumberjacks and we're
In the green forests of Bosni-ay
We are lumberjacks and we're
In the hills and mountains of
Listen, hotshots,
let me tell you the basics
about being a goalie.
I can't wait to hear this!
You have to guard that line
regardless of who's shooting.
Is that so? - You bet.
That's why there are no smart
Did Einstein say that?
No, you idiot! Wrong again!
It was the coach who said it.
And now Tomo Krotolina's
gonna show you how to shoot.
Where are you going, for god's
Didn't you say you're fearless,
Then come with me.
What for?
Prove that you're fearless.
- Don't pull!