
...it sometimes gets boring
That was a dull meal!
Another drink somewhere else?
You really Like to drink?
It makes things easy
When I'm drunk. I have no worries!
Won't your girl friends be
missing you tonight?

They're not stuck to me!
They see other men too
We just have fun together
They still need to make a living!
I don't get it
Where does all that fun get you?
If you find the right person...
...why waste time on the others?
If I find the right person!
A man Like me has nothing much
...except free time
That's why I need company
So people are just time-fillers to you?
I wouldn’t say that
Other people can borrow my time too
And this evening?
Are you borrowing me or am
I borrowing you?

No difference!
Maybe I borrowed you earlier...
...and now you're borrowing me
Don't get me wrong
I don't intend to take advantage
of you

If that was what I wanted...
...I had plenty of options
I just want us to be drinking pals
Is that okay?
It's hard
But I'll give it a try
Let's try!
