A History of Violence

- Sam.
- Some kind of what?

This is no laughing matter,

Of course he's not, Sam.
I'd just like to hear
Tom say that.

OK. No. No,
I'm not in a witness program.

Those men just have
the wrong guy.

They must've seen me on TV,
and I guess, uh...

I reminded them
of this Johnny guy.

- Joey.
- J-Joey somebody.

I mean, good lord.
The idea of me--

I never honestly believed it,
but I had to ask.

I've done some research
on this, uh, Joey Cusack.

I didn't find anything.
But there is a Richie Cusack
in Philadelphia.

Apparently, he's the head...
of some kind of crime syndicate
in that city.

Men like this come to our town
and start harassing a citizen...

we have to take them seriously.
All right. So, if you folks
see them coming around...

you let me know.
Will do.
I'm sorry, Sam. Do you want
a piece of pie or something?

Ah, no, thanks, Edie.
I'd love to,
but I've gotta get back to work.

Thank you. Thanks for coming.
Uh, Sam? Thank you.
It's good to know
you're watching out for us.

Come on, Tom.
You know we look out
for our own here.

- Good night.
- Good night.

See ya. Thanks.
Don't worry.
They're as good as gone.
