Careful. It's loaded.
Why was Mom running
around the house with that?
What's going on, Dad?
False alarm.
Nothing to worry about.
I am worried.
You're sweating.
You're soaked, Dad.
What kind of false alarm?
What did you mean,
you think you--
You think
you're losing your mind?
Some mob guys
showed up at the diner.
They saw me on TV, and they
came by to take a look at me.
Yeah, I heard about that.
Uh, so...
They thought they knew me.
They thought...
I was somebody else.
Heh. That's weird.
Yeah. Weird.
And I guess, um...
Well, I guess...
they don't like this guy
they think you are.
Apparently not.
And, um, and I guess l--
I guess--I guess they want...
to kill this guy
they think you are?
See, that's--that's
the losing my mind part.
I mean, I have no reason
to think that.
It's just I was down at work,
and, you know...
suddenly I thought
they'd come looking around.
You know?