Alone in the Dark

What are we looking at,

Electromagnetics off the scale,

I've never seen
anything like it.

all sensors now, sir.

There's no malfunction, sir.
These are accurate readings.

Jesus Christ.
Did a shipment
arrive for me today?

Oh, it's a fascinating piece,
Dr. Hudgens.

I started decoding
the pictograms and-

Who told you to do that?
That crate was not to be opened.

Yeah, but I was only
just gonna catalog it for you.

It's not your place to question
my instructions, miss Cedrac.

Leave the tablet alone.
I'll catalog it myself
when I get back.

But, Dr. Hudgens, I-
Sir, I found them.
Sister Clara,
something's happened.

The others are back.
Edward. Thank God.
Hey, Linda. What's wrong?
It's John.
I woke up, and he's just gone.

All of his clothes are here.
His car's in the garage.
It's like he just got up...

in the middle of the night
and walked out.

I'll be right over.
According to Abkani legend,
when they opened the gate...

between our world
and the world of darkness...

a few people survived
by joining forces...

with the creatures
from the other side.

They gained supernatural power
but lost their humanity.

That would explain the man who
tried to kill me this morning.
