Alone in the Dark

So these organisms
are somehow connected...

to the creatures
from the museum, right?

We call them Zenoes.
Catchy. When did they
first appear?

Two years ago.
They've been 713's
top priority ever since.

But it's been almost exclusively
in rural areas.

This sort of urban infiltration
is unheard of.

Have you isolated
any weaknesses?

They're vulnerable
to elements 76 to 79-

osmium, iridium,
platinum, and gold...

negates their ability
to disrupt electricity.

If they disrupt electricity...
how come my flashlight
still worked?

Well, the closer the current is
to its power source...

the less the disruption.
Now, this has been calibrated
to track their disruption field.

It won't help you see them...
but it'll let you know
when they're nearby.

They live almost
exclusively in the dark.

Sunlight is lethal
in large doses.

But only certain
light frequencies can hurt them.

These lamps have been set
to an effective frequency.

But for maximum damage,
we use bullets...

coated in a photon-accelerated
luminescent resin.

Cuts right through them.
I'm gonna need a lot of these.
The man who attacked me

was after the Abkani artifact
I found in Chile.

He was driven by the same force
that controls the creatures.

The Zenoes at the museum
were after the same thing.

It can't be a coincidence...
