Hold your fire!
Any others?
Scanner's clear.
All heat signatures motionless.
Clear. Repeat-you are clear.
-Let's move out.
-Yes, sir.
I need a body count.
Do not touch any bodies.
Meds, cleanup, and Science-spy
will be there momentarily.
Commander Burke,
we have got a new development.
All available agents
are being rerouted...
to an abandoned gold mine
in your sector.
Scan is picking up
multiple Zenoe signatures...
converging on the location.
You have been assigned
field command of the operation.
Proceed there immediately.
Will one of you tell me
what the hell's going on here?
We picked up massive readings.
That's not what I asked.
What the hell is going on here?
Look, Fischer's missing.
So is Hudgens.
I got a feeling
this is just the beginning.
What does Hudgens
have to do with this?
That's what I want to find out.
I'll brief you both in the air.
Let's go.
Krash, I'm gonna get this place
locked up now.
Science-spy is on the way,
Oh, and, Carnby...
I'll need my I.D. back.
Let's move it.
Let's keep that access open.
Move it! Move it!
Move it! Move it! Come on!
So, where are we going, Burke?
To the Britannia gold mine.
The Britannia mine?
I grew up in that area.
Why are we going there?
They shut it down
22 years ago...
after six miners were killed
in an unexplained accident.
Did 713 investigate?
The report concluded there was
no paranormal activity.
But get this-
the agents in charge
of the investigation...
were Dr. Lionel Hudgens
and James Pinkerton.