You're too dumb
to be my brother.
- lt was just a warning shot.
- Watch out!
- Come on, man.
- Go now, god dammit!
- What are you doing?
- ls it enough?
lt's plenty.
No! What do we do now?
They're coming, Frank!
What do we do?
- What are you doing?
- Out of the car with your hands up!
- The siren. Find the siren.
- Brilliant, Frank!
- Don't turn that shit on.
- Get out, hands over your head!
- That's it!
- Jesus ... lt works!
- This is a great getaway car.
- lt glows in the dark.
lt's the worst getaway car
you could find. You clown!
Yeah! They're stopping!
- And the getaway car?
- A Volvo S-80.
l stole it out in the suburbs.
lt's hidden where we arranged.
A-95 ... A-95 ... Come in!