Come on ... Come on ...
lt's beating! lt's beating!
Where's the phone?
lt worked!
Yes ... yes ...
This is fantastic!
Yes, okay, the mask goes on.
Give me the mask.
Yes, it's beating regularly.
Yes ... Thank you.
Get him
to the hospital immediately.
Good. Now we'll ...
Well done.
A-95 ... Do we have contact?
Okay, we've got to move on.
Get him out.
What? He has to
get to the hospital now.
Get them out. We don't have the time.
This isn't the Red Cross.
Watch out for the drip.
- Listen ...
- A-95, come in.
- You've painted the ambulance.
- lsn't it pretty?
He's got to go to the hospital.
Did you see what happened?
We brought him back to life.
l think we can find
a little hospital along the way.
What are you talking about?
Didn't you see that helicopter?
Didn't you say Mom couldn't breathe?
A-95, come in.
We can use them as hostages
if the police will negotiate.
You keep your mouth shut
and take out that stretcher, Tim.
- You do as l say!
- Ow, my arm!
- l'm your own brother!
- lt's for your own sake.