"Bish, Bish, bo-Bish
"Bish, Bish"
How you get in the life, man?
For me it was I wanted this bicycle.
I was always prayin'for it, right?
And God, in all his wisdom,
decided not to give it to me,
so I stole it, and then I asked him
to forgive me after that.
But that was the beginning, man.
I could never stop after that shit.
That was... It was over for me.
[Clears Throat]
[Continues Clearing Throat]
Okay. Twenty, 19,
18, 17, 16, 15,
14, 13, 12, 11,
10, nine, eight, seven,
Listen to them
trying to demoralize us.
six, five, four,
three, two, one.!
[Dick Clark On TV]
Happy New Year!
- [Noisemaker Tooting]
- [Laughing, Cheering]
You gonna do it?
I'm doin' it. I'm doin' it.
"Should auld acquaintance be forgot"
"And never brought to mind"
- [Woman]
Look at him.
- "[Continues, Faint]
All jacked up and shit,
sweatin' out his fuckin' ass.
Lookin' like fuckin' Mike Tyson
in a spellin' bee.
Hey, you slanderin' me?
You slanderin' me?
I'll give you some free advice. Don't.
Yo, why don't you
leave her alone, you fuckin'junkie!
Leave her the fuck alone!
- Who's talkin' to you, man?
- Yeah, but I'm talkin' to you.
So what's the problem?
What was that?
You heard me.
Who the fuck you pushin', man?
I'll slap the smack outta you!
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year.
[Chattering Continues]