Yes, he's from Claremont.
He's my favorite player.
Agilar. Miguel and Jose.
You guys twins?
You can save it, son.
I don't understand a damn thing
you're saying, okay?
All right.
Got the damn
League of Nations here.
Their dad's our gardener. Mom said
we need them to fill out the team.
Okay, let's hit the field. Come on.
- Jeez. Could this team be any lamer?
- So there's no Hooper?
You don't know
a Matthew Hooper?
- You know where he is?
- Right here.
You gotta be shitting me.
That's right, I'm in a wheelchair.
Charge it.
Oh, yeah, that's charging it, all right.
Good hustle.
There you go, bro.
Another good one.
What's the...?
What's the cripple kid's name?
- Hooper.
- Hooper. Hooper!
Roll your machine up.
Don't necessarily
have to catch it, I guess.
Can't hope for miracles, can you?
You gotta get under the ball.
There's too many gnats out here.
Give me a ball.
What the hell is that,
a baggie full of bacon?