Bad News Bears

- I'm on Atkins.
- What?

I have to eat all the time
to keep my metabolism up

so my body becomes
a fat-burning machine

so assholes like you
don't give me shit all the time!

Easy, sport.
All right, get ready. It's coming at you.
You might want to back up.

Guys, it's a bunt.
You seemed to imply you're
going to hit it out here.

Yeah. Engelberg, that's a bunt, bud.
You're supposed to pick it up,
throw the guy out at first base, okay?

Here we go again,
picking on the fat kid.

There's laws against this, you know.

You better shut up before I tell
somebody you touched my pecker.

Engelberg, will you throw
the goddamn ball already?

Okay, listen up.
Listen very carefully.
Rule number one:
Don't mess with the Cadillac.

Calm down,
it's a piece of crap anyway.

For your information, it's a classic.
And I got half a mind to find your old
man and kick him in the nuts so hard

he can never foul the earth
with another little shit like you.

So you keep your trap shut, okay?
We're gonna get laughed at. We only
have a week till the season starts.

Everyone's gonna laugh at us.
This game is about a lot more
than talent, son, believe me.

I'll say. I left more talent floating
in the shitter this morning

than all you retarded
jerk-offs put together.

You got a problem, dingleberry?
Give me a few minutes,
I'll squeeze out a new coach too.
