Buttermaker, where have you been?
You missed the team photo.
I was just getting Gatorade
for the guys, you know.
Well, we need to talk about this.
My son can't wear this.
We'll get him another size.
No big deal.
That's not what I'm talking about.
Look, it's a legitimate business,
You know, they pay taxes
like everybody else.
All right, can you believe it?
It's here, opening day.
Well, we got a lot of great athletes
this year,
and I'm looking forward to
a great season.
Before we get started,
I do want to remind you
that it is Summer Discount Days
at Valley Chevy Subaru.
So come on down if you get a chance.
Meanwhile, so many volunteers...
And people that I want to thank...
Hey, hey, hey!
What is he...? What's his...?
Hey, get... Get the hell off my field!
I'll deal with you later,
you little punk.
Okay, let's welcome all our teams.
We got...
Ray Bullock and our returning
champs, the Yankees.
Lenny Hendricks and the Giants.
Ex-Mariner, Morris Buttermaker
and the Bears.