Bad News Bears

We took a vote.
We're disbanding the team.

So one game, you want to quit,
is that it?

We've been taking
a lot of crap in school.

By "crap," he means ridicule.
And de-pantsing.
- It's been tough.
- Really? Tough, huh?

What the hell happened
to you, Tanner?

Got in a fight.
- With who?
- The sixth grade.

The sixth grade.
So I guess you
want to quit too, huh?

Look, guys, I know I've been lazy...
...and irresponsible, and a few
other things I could mention.

And I've let you down.
I mean, you know,
I've been an asshole.

- You know, go ahead and say it...
- You're an asshole.

When I say, "say it," I mean,
you know, it's a figure of speech.

Baseball's hard, guys.
I mean, it really is.

You can love it, but believe me,
it don't always love you back.

It's kind of like dating
a German chick, you know?

But what I do know is that once you
start quitting, it's a hard thing to stop.

I've quit just about everything
I ever tried in my life.

And as far as I can tell,
my life hasn't added up to
much more than a shitbag

full of empty promises. And I'm
not going to put that on you guys.

I haven't been as good a coach
as I can be. I know I can do it

because I know this game,
you know? And...

And we can do better, and a lot
of that's my responsibility, so...
